Sunday, March 18, 2012

Dubcave and the hipster police...

Jacob's face lit up, the Christmas lasers reflecting off his teeth as the bass rattled our rib cages...
TOY, out of LA, was digging into their penultimate groove as we made our way towards the front of the venue, Star Wars cantina meets acid lounge. I am NOT making this up...I am in the Purple Haze glow there, grinning back at Jake, but those are not the droids I was looking for.

We had walked into one spot and saw 3 bands--Smashing Pumpkins meets Junior High Poetry Slam (that may have been their actual name), then a folky/Jewel-esque combo called State (no link found). Then we entered the hipster zone and the space time continuum changed completely.

Jake and I had met Emily Deans--the Evolutionary Psychiatrist--at Paleofx, and she grew up in Austin its own self. The three of us once again ate at Ruby's BBQ--so good you had to have it twice!--and ventured into the fray of SXSW. After our stint on Tattooine, we headed for Shiner's Saloon, where Emily's pal Jenny was rocking the french horn (yes, I said ROCKING the FRENCH HORN) for LesRAV , whose lead singer was sort of a Throwing Muses meets Bjork at age 22. Check it out in links below. Pretty good stuff, for we avant garde hipster types.

Jacob had trouble getting into the skinny jeans, but my beard made up for it as we met up with Eric (who indeed had the beard down pat) and  finished off our evening at a place called the Cloak Room right by the Texas statehouse, dangerously beautiful in its scary tyrannical capital punishment pink marble glory.

More on  Paleo Fx conference (& BBQ highlights) tomorrow.I can tell you music loud enough to vibrate your internal organs is bound to be good for you... and that to be a REAL hipster, you gotta have a digital watch circa 1983. Ebay, anyone?                                              

The Links:   Emily, the Evolutionary Psychiatrist
                  LesRAV (hip chamber pop)
                  galactical places to go, 2012
                  THAT's what I'm talking about...


  1. I want that go with my fairy lumberjack outfit. And, the sample song on the Toy link does them no justice!

  2. You totally crack me up John! What a writer you are!
